Quick start

Choose a Category

When you open the app, the first you will see is a list of your store’s categories. Choose one to get started.

Choose the default sort order and enable

Our app takes control of the "Featured" sort order, superseding the out-of-the-box global product sort order. 

To get started, enable merchandising and choose a default sort order for products. This can be any one of the following:

  • Product Sort Order (low to high)
    • The "Sort Order" field on products.
  • Bestsellers
    • Total sold quantity across the lifetime of the store.
  • New
  • Average review (high to low)
    • The average review rating that has been given to each product. Products that haven't been reviewed come last. 
  • Stock available (high to low)
  • Price (high to low)
  • Price (low to high)

Configure Ranking Rules

Optionally, you can then configure additional rules to further merchandise products in this category. 

  • Bury out of stock products
    • When there is no stock left for any variants of a product, move it to the bottom of the category.
  • Boost on sale products
    • When all variants of a product are discounted, move it to the top of the category. 
  • Show available and in stock first
    • Show available and in-stock products before pre-order products or out-of-stock products.


Each time a category is saved, all products are re-processed and re-merchandised. This may take a few moments depending on the size of your catalogue.

Once completed, the "Featured" sort order on the storefront will show the merchandised products. To ensure customers always see the merchandised view of products, we recommend changing the default product sort order to "Featured".

Note that this is completed in the background and so a success message at this stage just indicates that the process was started successfully.

Pin your top products

Now that you've got the basics up and running, you can then further refine the products that you wish to be shown at the top of a category.

First, choose the Visual Merchandiser tab.

Then use the Search, or the All Products table below to find the products that you wish to pin to the top of the category. 

Pinned products will always be shown at the top of a category. They are unaffected by sort order and ranking rules.

Once pinned, you can drag and drop to re-order products. Choose Save and the merchandising process will begin. The updated product sort orders will be reflected on the storefront within a few minutes. 

If products still aren't shown in the order that you expect after five minutes, we recommend checking our FAQs. If you still don't have any luck, please get in touch

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