
Create and update BigCommerce orders using Shift.

Check out our step-by-step guides for how to import & export.

Quick start

There are a few ways to get started. Depending what you're looking to achieve, here are some templates to get you started:

Import & export columns

This is a list of all order fields that can be exported.

If you are looking to import orders, e.g. update status or even to import historical orders, not all fields are going to be required. See our template files above for some examples.

Basic columns

Column Description
Order ID

The unique identifier of the order.

This field is required to update existing orders.

🔒 This field is read-only.


The status of the order. See all order statuses.

🔒 This field is read-only. To update the order status, update the status_id field.

Date Created

The date the order was placed.

🔒 This field is read-only after creation.

Example value: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 14:21:24 +0000

Subtotal Ex Tax

The order subtotal without tax.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Subtotal Inc Tax

The order subtotal with tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Date Modified

The date the order was last updated.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 14:21:24 +0000

Date Shipped

The date the order was shipped.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Cart ID

This is the unique identifier of the cart that was used to create the order.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Subtotal Tax

The order subtotal tax amount

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping Cost Tax

The tax amount that was applied to the shipping fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping Cost Tax Class ID

The tax class applied to the shipping fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Handling Cost Tax

The tax amount that was applied to the handling fee

🔒 This field is read-only.

Handling Cost Tax Class ID

The tax class applied to the handling fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Wrapping Cost Tax

The tax amount that was applied to the wrapping fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Wrapping Cost Tax Class ID

The tax class applied to the wrapping fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Payment Status

The status of the order payment.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Allowed values:

authorized captured capture pending declined held for review paid partially funded pending refunded void void pending

Store Credit Amount

The store credit that the customer has redeemed against this order.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Gift Certificate Amount The gift certificate amount that the customer has redeemed against this order.
Currency ID

The ID of the currency that the customer was shopping in. This is not necessarily the transaction currency.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: 1

Currency Code

The code of the currency that the customer was shopping in. This is not necessarily the transaction currency.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: USD

Currency Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between the store's default currency and the currency that the customer was shopping in.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: 1.0000

Default Currency ID

The ID of the transactional currency that the customer paid in.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: 1

Store Default Currency Code

The currency code of the store's default currency.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Example value: USD

Store Default To Transaction Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between the store's default currency and the transactional currency used for the order.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Coupon Discount

The discount amount through using a coupon.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping Address Count

The number of shipping addresses on the order.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Is Email Opt In

Indicates whether the customer has opted in to marketing emails.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Order Source

Where the order was placed.

Allowed values: www iphone ipad android mobile manual external checkout_api buybutton amazon ebay facebookshop facebookmarketplace pinterest socialshop

Status ID The ID of the order status. See all order statuses.
Base Handling Cost The handling fee before tax is considered
Base Shipping Cost The shipping fee before tax is considered
Base Wrapping Cost The wrapped fee before tax is considered
Channel ID The ID of the channel from which the order originated.
Customer ID The ID of the customer who placed the order.
Customer Message The message that the customer provided in the Order Comments box during checkout.
Discount Amount The amount of discount applied to this order.
Ebay Order ID If the order was placed through eBay, this will be the eBay order number.
External ID

If the order was placed through a third-party system, this is the third-party system's order reference. For example, on Amazon orders, this will hold the Amazon ID.

🔒 This field is read-only.

External Merchant ID

The merchant ID represents an upstream order from an external system.

🔒 This field is read-only once an order is created.

External Source

If the order was placed through an external system and then imported into BigCommerce, this field will define the source.

When migrating historical orders placed on another ecommerce platform use the value M-MIG . This will exclude them from the store's GMV & order count.

Geoip Country The country that the order was placed in, according to an IP address to country lookup.
Geoip Country ISO2 The country code for the country that the order was placed in, according to an IP address to country lookup.
Handling Cost Ex Tax

The handling fee without tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Handling Cost Inc Tax

The handling fee with tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

IP Address

The IPv4 address of the customer, if known.

Setting this field will reset the IP Address V6 field.

IP Address V6

The IPv6 address of the customer, if known.

Setting this field will reset the IP address field.

Items Shipped

The number of items that have been shipped

🔒 This field is read-only.

Items Total

The total number. of items on the order.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Order Is Digital Whether this is an order for digital products.
Payment Method

The payment method for this order.

Example values: Manual Credit Card Cash Test Payment Gateway

Payment Provider ID The payment or transaction ID used by the external payment provider (if one was used).
Refunded Amount The order amount that has been refunded
Shipping Cost Ex Tax The shipping fee without tax applied.
Shipping Cost Inc Tax The shipping fee with tax applied.
Staff Notes Any additional notes for staff
Tax Provider ID

The ID of the tax provider. No value when the order was created via API.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Allowed values: BasicTaxProvider - Default BigCommerce tax settings, AvaTaxProvider - The tax is managed by Avalara.

Customer Locale The customers's locale
External Order ID

If the order was placed through a third-party system, this is the third-party system's order reference. For example, on Amazon orders, this will hold the Amazon ID.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Total Ex Tax The total amount of the order, without tax.
Wrapping Cost Ex Tax The wrapping fee without tax applied.
Wrapping Cost Inc Tax The wrapping free with tax applied.

Billing columns

Fields Description
Billing First Name The billing address first name.
Billing Last Name The billing address last name
Billing Email The billing address email
Billing Company The billing address company
Billing Street 1 The first line of the billing address
Billing Street 2 The second line of the billing address
Billing City The billing address city
Billing State The billing address state
Billing Zip The billing address zip or postal code.
Billing Country The billing address country
Billing Country ISO2 The billing address country (2-letter ISO2 code)
Billing Phone The billing address phone number.

Shipping addresses columns

There can be multiple shipping addresses on an order. When there are multiple, the field for each will have a numeric identifier, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.

Fields Description
Shipping 1 Address ID

The ID of the shipping address

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Items Total

The total number items

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Base Cost

The shipping fee amount.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Cost Ex Tax

The shipping fee amount without tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Cost Inc Tax

The shipping fee amount with tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Cost Tax

The shipping fee tax amount

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Cost Tax Class ID

The ID of the tax class that was applied to the shipping fee.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Base Handling Cost

The handling fee amount.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Handling Cost Ex Tax

The handling fee without tax applied.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Shipping 1 Handling Cost Inc Tax The handling fee with tax applied.
Shipping 1 Zone ID The ID of the shipping zone.
Shipping 1 First Name The first name of the shipping address
Shipping 1 Last Name The last name of the shipping address
Shipping 1 Company The shipping address company
Shipping 1 Street 1 The first line of the shipping address
Shipping 1 Street 2 The second line of the shipping address
Shipping 1 City The shipping address city.
Shipping 1 State The shipping address state.
Shipping 1 Zip The shipping address zip or postal code.
Shipping 1 Country

The shipping address country.

Example value: United States

Shipping 1 Country ISO2

The shipping address country code (2-letter ISO2 code).

Example value: US

Shipping 1 Phone The recipient's phone number
Shipping 1 Email The recipient's email
Shipping 1 Method The code that identifies the shipping method selected by the customer.

Product columns

Fields Description
Product 1 Entity ID

The ID of this order product.

Not the product ID, but a reference to this line item of the order.

Product 1 Order ID The ID of the associated order
Product 1 ID The product ID
Product 1 Order Pickup Method ID The ID of the pickup fulfillment method for this item.
Product 1 Order Address ID The ID of the associated order address
Product 1 Name The name of the product
Product 1 SKU The SKU of the product
Product 1 Type

The type of the product

Allowed values: physical digital

Product 1 Base Price The product price
Product 1 Price Ex Tax The product's without tax applied.
Product 1 Price Inc Tax The product's price with tax applied
Product 1 Price Tax The tax amount applied to the product
Product 1 Base Total The total for this line item
Product 1 Total Ex Tax The line item total without tax applied.
Product 1 Total Inc Tax The line item total with tax applied.
Product 1 Total Tax The tax amount for the line item.
Product 1 Quantity The quantity of product ordered.
Product 1 Base Cost Price The cost price of the product
Product 1 Cost Price Ex Tax The cost price of the product without tax applied.
Product 1 Cost Price Inc Tax The cost price of the product with tax applied
Product 1 Weight The weight of the product.
Product 1 Height The height of the product
Product 1 Depth The depth of the product.
Product 1 Width The width of the product
Product 1 Cost Price Tax The cost price of the product without tax applied.
Product 1 Is Refunded Whether the product has been refunded.
Product 1 Quantity Refunded The quantity that has been refunded.
Product 1Refund Amount The amount that has been refunded. This field is deprecated.
Product 1 Return ID The ID of the refund
Product 1 Wrapping ID The ID of the gift-wrapping option
Product 1 Wrapping Name The name gift wrapping option.
Product 1 Base Wrapping Cost The fee for gift wrapping
Product 1 Wrapping Cost Ex Tax The fee for gift wrapping without tax applied.
Product 1 Wrapping Cost Inc Tax The fee for gift wrapping with tax applied.
Product 1 Wrapping Cost Tax The tax amount for the gift wrapping fee.
Product 1 Wrapping Message The gift wrapping message.
Product 1 Quantity Shipped The number of items that have been shipped.
Product 1 Event Name The name of the promotional event or delivery date
Product 1 Event Date The date of the promotional event or scheduled delivery.
Product 1 Fixed Shipping Cost The fixed shipping cost for this line item.
Product 1 Ebay Item ID The eBay item ID
Product 1 Ebay Transaction ID The eBay transaction ID for this item.
Product 1 Option Set ID The ID of the option set applied to this product.
Product 1 Parent Order Product ID The ID of the parent product
Product 1 Is Bundled Product Whether this product is bundled with other products
Product 1 Bin Picking Number The bin picking number for the physical product.
Product 1 External ID The ID of the order in an external system if the order was placed elsewhere.
Product 1 Brand The product's brand.
Product 1 Applied Discounts ID The name of the coupon applied to the order.
Product 1 Applied Discounts Amount The amount of the discount.
Product 1Applied Discounts Name The name of the coupon
Product 1 Applied Discounts Code The coupon code
Product 1 Applied Discounts Target

Determines if the discount is applied at the product or order level.

🔒 This field is read-only.

Allowed values: order product

Product 1 Options ID The ID of the product options. This increments sequentially from 1 for each product.
Product 1 Options Option ID The ID of the option
Product 1 Options Order Product ID The ID of the product
Product 1 Options Product Option ID The ID of the option applied to the product from the list of options
Product 1 Options Display Name The product option name
Product 1 Options Display Value The product option selection name
Product 1 Options Value The product option selection value.
Product 1 Options Type

The option type.

Allowed values: Checkbox Date field File Upload Multi-line text field Multiple choice Product Pick List Swatch Text field

Product 1 Options Name The internal name for the option
Product 1 Options Display Style

How the option is shown on the storefront.

Example values: Picklist with photos Rectangle

Product 1 Options Display Name Customer The product option name that is shown to the customer
Product 1 Options Display Value Customer The product option selection value that is shown to the customer.
Product 1 Options Display Value Merchant The product option selection value that is shown in the admin
Product 1 Name Customer The product name that is shown to the customer.
Product 1 Name Merchant The product name that is shown in the admin.
Product 1 Gift Certificate ID The ID of any associated gift certificate.
Product 1 Discounted Total Inc Tax The line item total after discounts have been applied. This includes any order level discounts.

Consignment columns

Fields Description
Consignment Pickups ID The ID of the pickup consignment
Consignment Pickups Pickup Method ID The ID of the pickup method.
Consignment Pickups Pickup Method Display Name The pickup method name that is shown to customers.
Consignment Pickups Collection Instructions The message shown to customers to guide them on how to collect their order.
Consignment Pickups Collection Time Description The message shown to customers to indicate when their order will be available for collection.
Consignment Pickups Location The location details for where the order can be collected.
Consignment Shipping 1 ID The ID of the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 First Name The first name on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Last Name The last name on the shipping consignment.
Consignment Shipping 1 Company The company name on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Street 1 The first line of the address on the shipping consignment.
Consignment Shipping 1 Street 2 The second line of the address on the shipping consignment.
Consignment Shipping 1 City The city on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Zip The zip or postal code on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Country The country name on the shipping consignment.
Consignment Shipping 1 Country ISO2 The ISO code of the country on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 State The state on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Phone The phone number on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Email The email address on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Items Total The total number of items on the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Items Shipped The total number of items that have been shipped from the shipping consignment.
Consignment Shipping 1 Shipping Method The shipping method used for the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Base Cost The shipping fee for the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Cost Ex Tax The shipping fee without tax applied.
Consignment Shipping 1 Cost Inc Tax The shipping fee with tax applied.
Consignment Shipping 1 Cost Tax The tax amount applied to the shipping fee.
Consignment Shipping 1 Cost Tax Class ID The ID of the tax class used for the shipping fee.
Consignment Shipping 1 Base Handling Cost The handling fee for the shipping consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Handling Cost Ex Tax The handling fee without tax applied.
Consignment Shipping 1 Handling Cost Inc Tax The handling fee with tax applied.
Consignment Shipping 1 Handling Cost Tax The tax amount applied to the shipping fee.
Consignment Shipping 1 Shipping Zone ID The ID of the shipping zone for the consignment
Consignment Shipping 1 Shipping Zone Name The name of the shipping zone for the consignment
Consignment Download Recipient Email The recipient's email address for a digital product delivery.
Consignment Email Gift Certificates Recipient Email The recipient's email address for a digital gift certificate delivery.

Metafield columns

Fields Description

You can create and update order metafields by adding a column named after the metafield namespace and metafield key separated by a . . If the metafield already exists for the order, it will be updated, otherwise, it will be created.

The metafield namespace and key each must be fewer than 65 characters

Metafield values can be up to 65,535 characters long. An empty string or a string with only whitespace is not a valid metafield value.

All metafields will be created with write and storefront access permissions so they can be queried via the storefront GraphQL API.

As we don't know the names of metafields in advance, you can only select all metafields when exporting.

Export filters

You can filter order exports only to include orders from specific customers.

[insert image]

As you reduce the number of items in your export, or change what data should be included, the estimate of the number of records and duration of the export will be updated

[insert image]

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