Configure for WebDAV image uploads

Don't let customers get overwhelmed with a mega menu full of links. It's been proven that people recognise images quicker than text. Add images to your menu items to make it easier for your customers to find what they're looking for. 

The first time that you do this, you will need to provide WebDAV credentials for the app to be able to upload the images to your BigCommerce store.

WebDAV Username and Password

When uploading an image for the first time, our app will ask for WebDAV username and password. These can be configured in the settings page by clicking on the cog icon in the top right-hand corner.

These can be found under Server Settings File Access (WebDAV) in your BigCommerce admin.

If WebDAV is not enabled on your user account, then you can turn it on in Account Settings Users.

For more information, check BigCommerce's documentation on WebDAV.

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