Copy export to destination

You can send a copy of the export file to a custom destination.

We support the following destinations

  • WebDAV
  • FTP
  • SFTP

The file name used is determined in Export Options. When configuring destinations, only a path to a directory is required.


To send a copy of the export file to an FTP destination, provide a URL with the username, password, hostname, port number and path


If the connection test fails, be wary of any special characters.


To send a copy of the export file to an SFTP destination, provide a URL with the username, password, hostname, port number and path


If the connection test fails, be wary of any special characters.


To send to BigCommerce WebDAV, you will need to find your WebDAV credentials.

Then create a URL that includes your username, password and path to location that you wish to export to within WebDAV:



https://username123:[email protected]/dav/content/

If the connection test fails, be wary of any special characters, for example the @ in your WebDAV username. It would need to be replaced with %40 e.g.

Special characters

Note that some special characters need to be replaced for their URL encoded variants when they appear in usernames or passwords.

For example:

  • space: %20  or +
  • #%23  (number sign/hash)
  • %%25  (percent sign)
  • +%2B  (plus sign)
  • /%2F  (slash)
  • @%40  (at sign)
  • :%3A  (colon)
  • ;%3B  (semicolon)

So a username like group/foo would become group%2Ffoo

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