Example rules

Create a Sale Category

A category that contains all products with a sale price set. We recommend checking for sale prices on variants as well as at the top level of a product:

  • Product Field: Sale Price
  • Operator: Exists
  • Product Field: (Any) Variant Sale Price
  • Operator: Exists

Create a New In Category

There are multiple ways that a rule can be created for a "New products" category:

  • Date Created is Less than X days ago
    • Where any product created less than X days ago will be considered new. Products will be evaluated every day to determine if they are still considered “new”.
  • Date Created is After X
    • Choose a specific date for a product to be considered new
  • ID is Greater Than X
    • Where X is a particular product ID.

Create a Pushchair category by SKU format

Some product catalogues have consistent SKU formats which allows you to create a rule based on this format. e.g. all pushchair products contain PSH, e.g. ABC-PSH-1234. This would allow you to use one of the text-based operators such as “Contans”, “Starts with” or “Ends with”, perhaps in combination with an exclusion condition if necessary, e.g. contains PSH but doesn’t contain XYZ.

Create a Brand Category

While BigCommerce provides a brands product listing page out of the box, it’s not as flexible as a fully-fledged category. So creating a specific category for a brand can be very helpful.

Create a Jewellery category based on Search Keywords

You can create a rule based on words that appear in a product’s Search Keywords. This can be a particularly quick way to get up and running if you’ve already optimised your store’s search by adding search keywords to products

Create a category based on a Custom Field

It's common to use BigCommerce's custom fields to put pertinent product data. You can also configure a category rule based on a custom field. You will need to provide the name of the custom field, e.g "carat", as well as the value required for this custom field. 


Unlike all other fields, a product's categories are not instantly updated when saving a change to its custom fields. The categories will be updated twice daily on a schedule automatically. Alternatively, you can trigger a re-processing by saving a category in our app again, or pressing the " Re-process all products" button under advanced settings.

Create a category based on in-stock or out-of-stock

If you are looking to only include products in a category that have or don’t have stock, there are two product fields to add as conditions:

  • Inventory Tracking
    • Stock tracking must be enabled, i.e. one of Product or Variant.
  • Inventory Level
    • Then compare the stock level is or is greater than “0”, depending on your requirement.

The below creates an “out-of-stock” category. 

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